Thursday, February 10, 2011

Audio Download & eBook

I have a sister who once told me that where she lives, they have to pay to use their library system. Lame! I for one think the King County Library System is awesome and it's totally free! I was thinking tonight about how I need to re-read The Wedding but I also promised someone that they could borrow my copy and decided to check out the good old KCLS website to see if they had it in other formats. Here are the links! Hopefully they make your book club experience easier!

The Wedding audio book

The Wedding eBook


  1. I just wanted to make sure that I have the date right on the next book club. It's Tuesday, Mar. 8 at 8 p.m. right? And, it's at Shannon's house? Just checking...

  2. Oh i was just wondering when book club is this month!
    if it's tomorrow i can't come...bens out of town darn it :(
